About This Content Customize your squad of resistance fighters with a set of bonus outfits and head gear, as well as custom armor and face camo. Instantly unlock a survivor of the old war as a new recruit in your barracks. 7aa9394dea Title: XCOM 2: Resistance Warrior PackGenre: StrategyDeveloper:Firaxis Games, Feral Interactive (Mac), Feral Interactive (Linux)Publisher:2K, Feral Interactive (Mac), Feral Interactive (Linux)Franchise:XCOMRelease Date: 22 Nov, 2016 XCOM 2: Resistance Warrior Pack Download Windows 8.1 xcom 2 resistance warrior pack customization. xcom 2 resistance warrior pack dlc. xcom 2 resistance warrior pack items. xcom 2 resistance warrior pack contents. xcom 2 resistance warrior pack review. xcom 2 resistance warrior pack veteran. xcom 2 resistance warrior pack survivor. xcom 2 resistance warrior pack xbox one. xcom 2 resistance warrior pack survivor of the old war. xcom 2 resistance warrior pack ps4. xcom 2 resistance warrior pack inhalt. xcom 2 resistance warrior pack worth it. xcom 2 resistance warrior pack wiki. xcom 2 resistance warrior pack key. xcom 2 resistance warrior pack. xcom 2 resistance warrior pack details. xcom 2 resistance warrior pack not working This is the first DLC for the XCOM 2 game. It was originally a bonus item for pre-orders, and was later made available for general purchase. Resistance Warrior is a cosmetic pack that gives the player more options when it comes to making up starting soldiers in the character pool. That is its chief & only selling point; if you like having options starting out or for randomly generated Rookies, this official mod is for you. What do you get? Face Paints: You can now utilize that customization slot with 4 face paint options, 2 of which are military-like and two of which are cinematic. How far dedicated\/gone is your new Rookie in terms of prep or attitude? Resistance Kevlar Armor: Equip a Rookie with this and choose one of 4 options, showing a Resistance fighter with various levels of scrounged-up gear worn over street clothes. This can serve as a nice counterpoint to the default military gear, and lets imaginative payers give some variety to the ragtag bunch Bradford is handing to you for missions. (The battered second-hand XCOM: EU armor option is a nice touch for EU\/EW fans.) Colors & patterns are as per standard menu options for Pool characters. One downside is that the look goes away when the advanced armors become available; at that point the scruffy guerrilla is now a bona fide XCOM operative! Hairstyles: These are only available at character pool generation or for random Rookies, which was a bit of a disappointment, but the wider variety of hairstyles brings the design options up to full Enemy Within\/Long War standards, and even a bit further. Headgear: A few more hats & hoods become available, including a much-needed hood, ski mask, and a nice boonie hat. A Workshop mod "Free the Hood" fixes the official oversight for facial options being displayed.Scars: More scars, including some painful ones, but not as far gone as some of the other DLC. Existing Character Pools: So you don't want to do the work & let someone else have the fun? No problem! The game design staff have provided two character pools of original characters using the full range of options. Select those characters for your pool, and be amazed\/amused at the fighters who show up to kill aliens & free the Earth. This is currently available for about $5 US including tax which was my purchase price. Users who purchased it earlier for more money weren't very happy, but five bucks is about right for some official flavor.
XCOM 2: Resistance Warrior Pack Download Windows 8.1
Updated: Mar 20, 2020